We have provided below a brief outline of our studio policies. For a more detailed version please take a look at our studio handbook.
Tuition and Registration Fees
The dance year runs from mid September through mid May.
All tuition is based on an annual cost divided into nine monthly payments.
December and May tuition will only be half due to holidays and breaks.
New students can register at any time up through the month of January.
There is a $20 non-refundable registration fee due at the time of registration.
Tuition Payments are auto-drafted on the 5th of each month. We give a grace period until the 10th.
A $15 late fee is automatically applied to all late tuition payments made after the 10th of each month. This is non-negotiable.
There is a $25 returned check fee on all returned checks.
We offer a 10% sibling discount if you have two or more children enrolled with us.
Adult classes are offered at a discounted rate of only $30 a month. Each additional class after the first is only $20 more.
Recital Information
Each child is invited to participate in our annual dance recital in May. This is always a fun and special way to showcase their hard work and beautiful talent.
There is a costume cost that is due in November. This price ranges from $60-$95 depending on your class.
You will also need tights and shoes for recital. These can be purchased in our dance store in the lobby. See the color and style table here.
All dancers will receive a trophy at the end of the year dance recital to recognize their hard work and dedication.
Tickets will go on sale in April through an online ticketing company.
Recital Pictures will be taken the week before recital at dress rehearsals.
DVD Recital Videos can be purchased closer to recital time.
Accounts must be paid in full before the date of the recital in order to participate.
Student Dress Code
Dancers are welcome to wear what they feel comfortable in, as long as it does not hinder their movement and dancing. No loose fitting clothing and no jeans allowed. We prefer dance specific clothing but understand if you're unable to fulfill this request weekly.
Dancers are required to have dance shoes for all classes. Please see the color and style table here to make sure you have the appropriate shoes for your class. All shoes required can be purchased in our dance store except pointe shoes.
We recommend all dancers have their hair pulled back neatly and away from their face.
We also recommend to keep jewelry to a minimum. Small earrings would be appropriate.
Ballet Class Dress Code
All students enrolled in a ballet class or pointe class have a required dress code.
Dancers are required to wear a leotard with tights. The leotard can be any color and the tights need to be either pink, tan, or black. Fitted dance shorts or ballet skirts are permitted and leg warmers are only permitted for barre exercises.
Pink ballet shoes and pink pointe shoes are the required shoes for these classes.
Dancers are also required to have their hair pulled up neatly into a bun.
Classroom Rules
No chewing gum, candy, food, or drinks are allowed in the dance studios during class.
No cellphones are allowed in the dance studios.
No profanity or offensive language will be tolerated.
Dancers are expected to be respectful of their fellow classmates space and belongings.
Dancers are also expected to treat their teachers with the utmost respect. This includes listening and following directions.
Lobby & Homework/Snack Area Rules
Parents are welcome to observe classes through our observation windows or students can be dropped off, but please walk your child to the front or to their classroom for safety purposes.
Parents are not allowed in the dance rooms because it causes a distraction to the dancers. Periodically throughout the year we will allow parents to come in and experience their child's dancing from inside the studio.
It is the parents or their guardians responsibility to make sure that their children are looked after and behaving while in the lobby areas.
The DanZe Zone is not responsible for dancers outside of the individual studio rooms.
Please take note that there is to be no horseplay, no acrobatics, no running, and no food and drinks in the main lobby or hallways.
Please use the designated snack area for all food and drinks.
Please pick up after yourself and be courteous to fellow parents. Our lobbies can become crowded and a little common courtesy can go a long way.
Personal Belongings
Labeling: Please put your child's first and last name on all shoes, dancewear, dance bags, and etc. This is to prevent your items getting mixed up or lost. We are not responsible for any items lost or stolen at the studio.
Lost & Found: If you do think you're missing belongings please check our lost and found bin located behind the front desk in the lobby. Items not claimed before each winter, spring, and summer breaks will be donated. So please check this bin regularly.
Absences & Inclement Weather
We encourage regular attendance in all classes.
If your child is absent due to illness, vacation, inclement weather, or etc. you are still required to pay your monthly tuition.
Parents are advised to keep their child at home if he or she is experiencing contagious symptoms.
Students with excessive class absences may be pulled from the recital dance with no refunds. Attendance can effect your dancers knowledge of the skills and routine as well as affecting the entire classes routine. Please be courteous and aware of this policy.
Dancers will not be able to makeup classes for absences or inclement weather unless otherwise notified by the studio.
In case of inclement weather we will notify everyone by email and update social media to let everyone know of our operating schedule.
Dance Store
In the lobby we have a small dance store available for your dance purchasing needs. We sell t-shirts, leotards, tights, shoes, skirts, shorts, bags and much more for an affordable price. All required shoes and tights for recital will be available in our store for purchase. Please check out this area regularly to keep an eye out for new merchandise.
Add Or Drop A Class
A student may drop or add classes depending on class availability. Class changes will not be allowed after November due to costume ordering. All requests after November will need to be discussed with the studio owner. If you're interested in adding an additional class to your schedule or dropping a class please email us the Add/Drop Form or fill one out at the front desk.
Opt Out Of Recital
Students are assumed to be performing in the annual end of year recital unless notified in writing. If you decide to opt out after your costume has been ordered then you will still be responsible for the remaining balance of the costume. Please email us the Opt Out Of Recital Form or fill one out at the front desk.
If you want to drop all of your classes then you will be withdrawing from the studio. Parents are required to give a 30 day written notice of withdrawal. You are also still responsible for paying any remaining account balances in addition to the tuition amount for the next 30 days if it has not already been paid. A student not showing up for classes does not constitute a withdrawal. If a costume has already been purchased then we can't guarantee a full or partial refund. Please email us the Withdrawal Form or fill one out at the front desk. If a notice is not received we reserve the right to turn your balance over to a collection agency.